Ansible Cheat Sheet

  1. Fantasy Football Cheat Sheet
  2. Ansible Download
  3. Cheat Sheet Recipes
  4. Ansible Cheat Sheet Linux Academy
  5. Cheat Sheet Terraria

Here are some commands which are used in Ansible, such as:

Ansible tower cheat sheet

Ansible modules cheatsheet. Format Basic file-hosts: production remoteuser: root tasks: - Place your modules inside tasks. Task formats One-line - apt: pkg=vim state=present Map - apt: pkg: vim state: present Foldable scalar - apt: pkg=vim state=present Define your tasks in any of these formats. Ansible cheatsheet Top cheatsheets. Elixir cheatsheet ES2015+ cheatsheet React.js cheatsheet Vimdiff cheatsheet Vim cheatsheet Vim scripting cheatsheet.

  • To install EPEL repo on Centos/RHEL systems.
Ansible getting started
  • To install Ansible package on Centos/RHEL systems.
  • To perform an update to the packages on Debian/Ubuntu systems.
  • To install the software properties-common-package on Debian/Ubuntu systems.
Ansible cheat sheet linux academy
  • To install Ansible personal package archive on Debian/Ubuntu systems.
  • To install Ansible on Debian/Ubuntu systems.
  • To issue a ping command on all servers defined in the inventory file named hosts.

Fantasy Football Cheat Sheet

  • To issue a ping command only on hosts2.
  • To copy the file 'testfile' on all hosts in the inventory file.

Ansible Download

  • To install ncdu package on all hosts.
  • To remove ncdu package on all hosts.
  • To build the directory structure for the role named role1.

Cheat Sheet Recipes

  • To dry-run p4.yml playbook.

Ansible Cheat Sheet Linux Academy

  • To run a p4.yml playbook with password authentication for all hosts.

Cheat Sheet Terraria